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1s1 Energy

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Year founded: 
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Portola Valley, United States of America
1s1 Energy is fostering innovative renewable hydrogen adoption. We're solving material science issues, enhancing electrolysis stack and fuel cell performance. Looking to scale, let's collaborate at contact@1s1energy.com.

Global problems solved

Clean Energy

Funding sources

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Deep Tech

Programs participated in

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Last Updated:
March 12, 2024

About the company

1s1 Energy is a company set on accelerating the adoption of renewable hydrogen in our world. They are working to solve the key material science issues that have been stifling the economic feasibility of renewable hydrogen. 1s1 is in the process of developing next-generation materials to enhance the performance and longevity for fuel cells and electrolysis stacks. Partnering with collaborators worldwide, they're actively scaling their technology. Interested parties are encouraged to reach out and partner with them to bring their innovation to life. To know more about their work, one can contact them at contact@1s1energy.com or visit their website.


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Case Study


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